Sister Cities of Greenfield seeks host families for 2024 visit

Posted: May 13th, 2024

Dear Prospective Volunteer Host Family:

Thank you for your interest in hosting a student or chaperone from Kakuda, Japan. We are so excited to once again be planning a visit from our friends. The proposed dates for our upcoming visit are August 10th-18th. We expect to have a mix of junior high and high school boys and girls and two adult chaperones coming to visit Greenfield.

Some of you have hosted before and are familiar with our process and agenda. For those of you who have not hosted, I suggest you visit our website at SisterCitiesofGreenfield.orgfor a history of the organization and photos of our previous visits.

As a host family, the most important responsibility you will have is to welcome the student/chaperone into your home and allow them to see what home life is like for the American youth and family. While in your home, you will be providing meals for the student/chaperone and transportation to and from the designated location each day. Many times, families collaborate on transportation and other responsibilities during the visit, so please do not let that prohibit you from applying to host.

Applications must be submitted via this form by July 5, 2024. If you have any questions regarding the application or hosting process, please email Lyndi Grubb at Although we have a July 5th deadline, applications are welcome and appreciated at any time. There will be an orientation meeting for all host families at the end of July 2024, with the date to be determined by early-July. An adult member of your family is required to attend this meeting. Additionally, all members of your household over the age of 18 will need to complete a background check. The link to do this will be provided once you are accepted to host.

We look forward to hearing from you and watching your families enjoy a unique visit from our very special guests from Kakuda. Thank you again for your willingness to play such an important role in our exchange program. We could not do it without you!

Click here to apply to become a host family

Sister Cities of Greenfield Board of Directors