Oda Matsuri
Posted: Oct 21st, 2012A matsuri (the Japanese word for festival) was held in Oda, Kakuda today. LIke most festivals in Kakuda, the Oda had an excellent turnout of people of all ages. Taiko drums as well as other instruments performed. They served natto mochi (a kind of rice cake covered in fermented soy beans) and a pork soup they call tonjiru. I ran into Mr. Takeda and ate lunch with him and Mr. Mouri Masanori. Mr. Takeda hosted a Greenfield chaperone last June and I enjoyed talking about our memories hosting this year and he also taught me several things about Kakuda art and culture. Perhaps the biggest surpriseof the festival for me was the pizza: Despite only costing 200 yen, it turned out to be the best tasting pizza I’ve had in 15 months in Japan.
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