More new friends
Posted: Jun 13th, 2006Today we separated in to three groups to visit various junior high schools. At the school I visited we played a game like hot potato with two English classes in order to give introductions of our names in English. We also had various other activites to help the Japanese students practice their English. I think they enjoyed the interactions with our students, who did a very good job making friends and getting to
know the other students.
After this we all came together for lunch, which was followed by a short trip to a senior center. We all continued on to Nishine Junior High School, where we were greeted warmly. The students put on many presentations for us in they gym, which included singing (“Take Me Home Country Road”), skits about school life, a dance, and drumming. Two of our students also performed. Austin did a great job clogging and Chelsea sang beautifully.
After leaving Nishine we ended our day at Kozoji temple. In addition to seeing the temple, the students came across a snake and a pond filled with tadpoles, which
they enjoyed. Tonight is free time with host families and we will meet again in the morning to visit the elementary schools.
For those who saw news of the earthquake in Japan, do not worry Kakuda was not affected!